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We make people happier to be at work

We activate your team's full potential as collaborators and communicators and grow their soft power skills with practical tools

People who feel valued are more likely to bring their full self and their ideas to the table again and again. Our brick-by-brick approach to collaboration will help nurture your teams ability to work together efficiently and joyfully.


Our methods improve your human power skills, to foster environments where people listen better and feel heard and valued.


We provide practical tools to improve the efficiency and efficacy of your creativity. It's not about teaching you how to have better ideas, it's about unlocking the best ideas that are already inside you. We turn the faucet on for you.


People who are inspired and feel valued get better results, more often, and faster.

Productive Teams

People who work with us grow their human power skills, and become leaders who inspire and delight their teams.

Better Leaders

If you...
Have a brand new team that needs to bond and develop a shared vocabulary around collaboration and teamwork
Want to bring people back to the office and are looking to give them purpose
Are starting a new project and would like to get everyone on the same page
Have a veteran team that needs a refresh and a morale boost
Have just employed a new manager whom you'd like to train to lead better
Want your salespeople to be more authentic, agile and adaptable in client meetings
Are a leadership team that would like to present the company vision better

Growth Factory designs fun and engaging learning experiences for your team that boost the power skills of your team and improve cohesion and morale across the board.

No long lectures, just practical tools discovered through play and applicable through life.

We train innovators and risk-takers who aren't afraid to leap, before they can see the net, and we practice what we preach!

No matter your team's make up, we can help you grow!

We will listen to you and design a bespoke experience to meet your needs.

© 2023 Growth Factory Pty Ltd